Who said “Slow is smooth and smooth is Fast” first?

You might have heard the saying “Slow is smooth and smooth is fast”. But where does it come from. While the Navy Seals gave this idea the second life, it is far from being new.

There is a saying in Latin – “Festina Lente”, which means: “hurry up slowly”. It’s easy to imagine  that the ancient Roman Navy Seals could have used this saying in their life and in trainings. 

Later, this phrase was adopted by the US Navy Seals and remains this way till our days. 😉


~ 5 thousand years B.C.

However, even before that, the ancient Chinese Navy Seals, according to Sun Tzi, who wrote a book, “The Art of War” roughly 7 thousand years ago used to mention this principle quite often.

A very good and detailed discussion of what the concept of Moving Slowly does, can be found in a post by Michael Fisher (simply follow the QR-code)

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