How to Master Touch Typing easily in 30 Days

Do you still hunt and peck your way across the keyboard? Are you envious of your coworkers who can type fast without looking at the keys? The truth is that learning to touch type can completely transform your productivity and efficiency. The good news is that with deliberate, focused practice, anyone can master touch typing in a month or less.
In this post, I’m going to reveal the secrets to learning touch typing quickly and easily. These proven techniques will have you typing faster and more accurately in no time. I’ll also share how specialized keyboards like ViaTyping can accelerate your progress.




The Benefits of Touch Typing


Before we dive in, let’s look at why you should bother learning to touch type in the first place:

  • Type significantly faster – Touch typing can double or even triple your words per minute.
  • Make fewer errors – Hunting and pecking often leads to typos and mistakes. Touch typing helps accuracy.
  • Work without looking at keys – Keep your eyes on the screen instead of constantly glancing down.
  • Reduce repetitive strain – Touch typing uses all your fingers evenly and prevents soreness.
  • Boost productivity – Spend less time typing and more time creating.

How to Learn Touch Typing in 30 Days


Here is a step-by-step plan to go from zero to touch typing mastery in just one month:

Week 1: Master the Home Row

  • Start by learning the A-F and J-; keys. Keep your index fingers on F and J.
  • Use typing tutor software to practice with home row alone.
  • Shoot for accuracy first, speed will come later.

Week 2: Add Top and Bottom Rows

  • Start incorporating keys one row above and below home row.
  • Strengthen muscle memory through repetition.
  • Take breaks to avoid fatigue and frustration.

Week 3: Get Faster and More Accurate

  • Increase your wpm through typing drills and challenges.
  • Focus on accuracy – don’t sacrifice precision for speed yet.
  • Take mini-quizzes to test mastery of new key positions.

Week 4: Speed Up Your Typing

  • Set timed goals for speed improvement.
  • Use typing games to break speed plateaus.
  • Continue drills but relax focus on precision.

By the end of the month, you should be touch typing faster than you ever could have using the hunt-and-peck method. With regular ongoing practice, your new skill will become second nature. Touch typing will make you far more efficient and productive at work or school.




Leverage Specialized Keyboards

Using a keyboard designed specifically for touch typing, such as the ViaTyping PCK (ProprioCeptive Keyboard) can also help you master the skill faster. 


The ViaTyping keyboard has built-in ridges allowing you to orient your hands properly without looking. This tactile guide enables you to reinforce correct finger positions throughout the day.

The other advantage of ViaTyping is that you can learn touch typing during normal computer use. The ridges give you the guidance needed to train muscle memory even when not practicing. Over time, the grooves will fade as your hands naturally find the right keys.

By using a ViaTyping keyboard from the start, you can shave days or even weeks off the time it takes to become a proficient touch typist. The grooved home row lets you turn any typing task into a touch typing learning exercise.



The Takeaway: Touch Typing is a Learnable Skill

Touch typing takes some effort and dedicated practice to master. But it’s one of the most valuable skills you can develop for productivity, especially if you use a computer regularly. Follow the one month training plan outlined above to quickly take your typing to the next level. The time investment will pay off immediately in speed and efficiency gains.


Feel the Home Row, Not Memorize It

Our new tactile keyboards ditch flat designs for built-in guide ridges so your fingertips can feel the right keys to press instead of struggling to memorize positions. The small bumps aligned to Ctrl and other home row letters let you navigate by touch to boost accuracy.

Train Muscle Memory Faster

Rather than searching left and right visually, our keyboard’s unique haptic feedback develops your typing instincts quicker. The more you flow while ignoring sight, the faster your muscle memory gets! The tactile grooves train your dexterity rapidly versus trying to form the motor patterns solely through repeating online lessons.

Boost Typing Skills in Just Weeks

In as little as 2 weeks, most students elevate speed and accuracy with our tactile-cued boards. Guiding fingertip sensations transform practice frustration into typing triumphs whether crafting essays or gaming. Finally conquer efficient keyboarding through purposeful hardware catering to hands-on learners.

Mastering touch typing is much like perfecting tricky tongue twisters .

How do people learn tongue twisters? At first, you slowly sound out each letter, carefully working to commit the sequence and enunciation to memory. It feels unnatural rolling the phrases off your tongue. But through repetition, your mouth learns to dance, and suddenly you’re rattling off “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers” as rapidly as an auctioneer.

Typing works the same way. Start deliberately typing a simple word over and over, focusing on synchronizing finger movements. Keep accelerating your speed until your dexterity catches up with your thoughts. Momentum builds as pathways grow between brain and nimble fingers. Before you know it, your typing flows effortlessly at auctioneer pace.

Stick with those awkward early drills, just like tongue twisters – fluid touch typing lies on the other side of memorized motions. Mastery reveals itself one practiced sequence at a time. So pat your head and rub your belly keyboard style – and watch words emerge quicker than you knew possible.

The analogies draw parallels between speech and typing fluency requiring coordinated muscle memory through initially uncomfortable repetition. Let me know if you would like me to modify or expand this passage in any way!

Mastering to type fast is like learning to say a tonguetwister, f.e.: "Sally sells seashells on a seashore".

How do people learn tongue twisters? At first, you slowly sound out each letter, carefully working to commit the sequence and enunciation to memory. It feels unnatural rolling the phrases off your tongue. But through repetition, your lips and tongue become nimble, and suddenly you’re rattling off “Sally sells seashells on a seashore” as rapidly as an auctioneer.

Typing works the same way. Start deliberately typing a simple word over and over, focusing on synchronizing finger movements. Keep accelerating your speed until your dexterity catches up with your thoughts. Momentum builds as pathways grow between brain and nimble fingers. Before you know it, your typing flows effortlessly at auctioneer pace.

Stick with those awkward early drills, just like tongue twisters – fluid touch typing lies on the other side of memorized motions. Mastery reveals itself one practiced sequence at a time. So pat your head and rub your belly keyboard style – and watch words emerge quicker than you knew possible.

The analogies draw parallels between speech and typing fluency requiring coordinated muscle memory through initially uncomfortable repetition. Let me know if you would like me to modify or expand this passage in any way!

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