Fascinating Science Behind Typing

In the age of computers and digital communication, the ability to type quickly and accurately has become a crucial skill in many aspects of modern life. From typing up documents and emails at work to chatting with friends online, typing occupies a significant part of our daily routine.

With the widespread use of computers, smartphones, and other digital devices, typing has become an essential means of communication and information processing. Whether you are a student, a professional, or simply an avid internet user, the ability to type quickly and accurately can make a big difference in your productivity and efficiency.

In addition to its practical applications, typing has also become a popular hobby and pastime. Many people enjoy practicing their typing skills through online games and typing challenges, while others take typing classes or use specialized software to improve their speed and accuracy.

Overall, typing has become an integral part of modern life, and its importance is likely to continue growing in the years to come. Whether you are typing for work, study, or leisure, developing strong typing skills can help you succeed and thrive in the digital age.

Although typing is not a new phenomenon and is known to our civilization for at least 150 years, there are still things about it that we do not know.

In this post you will find answers to the following most common questions about typing: 
    • How much time people spend on typing?

    • How many keyboards are in the world? 

    • Is typing really a dying art?

    • What is the best age to learn typing? 

    • How to overcome a plato in mastering typing? 

    • What is typing really about? 

    • Who is the fastest typist? 

    • How to improve typing speed and accuracy?

    • How to type faster and with fewer errors?

    • How to position your fingers on the keyboard, and how to reduce wrist and finger strain while typing?

    • What are the benefits of learning to type well, such as increased productivity and efficiency?

    • What are the keys to success in mastering typing? (* Bonus question)

      * The winner answer(AI generated ) : -What is the reason for typing being so unpopular?


How much time we spend typing?

The amount of time people spend typing can vary widely depending on a variety of factors such as their job, hobbies, and personal habits. However, with the increasing use of technology in our daily lives, it’s safe to say that many people spend a significant amount of time typing each day.

For example, office workers who spend most of their day at a computer may spend several hours typing emails, reports, and other documents. Students may also spend a significant amount of time typing essays and assignments on their laptops.

In addition to work and school, many people also spend time typing on their mobile devices to send messages, post on social media, or browse the internet.

For many types of work, which require the use of computers an average person spends about 1 hour typing. At the same time, some professions, including patent attorneys, editors, content writers and coders spend many (3 – 5 hours) typing. Thus a person who have mastered touch typing would save 10-30 % of time or 1-2 hours daily only due to a most efficient typing technique.

Overall, it’s difficult to provide an exact number for how much time people spend typing, as it can vary widely from person to person and day to day. However, it’s clear that typing has become a fundamental part of our modern lives.

How many keyboards are in the world? 

While there is no way to provide an exact number, it is safe to say that there are billions of keyboards in the world, and the number continues to grow as technology advances and new devices are introduced.

Is typing really a dying art?


While typing as a skill is still very relevant and widely used in our daily lives, some argue that it is becoming a less valuable skill as technology continues to advance. In the past, typing was an essential skill for anyone working in an office or using a computer regularly. However, with the rise of voice recognition technology, touchscreens, and other methods of input, some people may argue that typing is becoming less important.

That being said, typing is still a critical skill for many professions and tasks. Office workers, writers, programmers, and many other professionals rely on their typing skills to complete their work efficiently. Furthermore, as more people use technology in their daily lives, typing remains an essential skill for communicating effectively, creating content, and navigating digital interfaces.

In short, while the importance of typing may be shifting in certain contexts, it is still a valuable and necessary skill for many people in the modern world.

What is the best age to learn typing? 


It is generally easier to learn typing at a younger age, as children tend to have a greater capacity for learning new skills quickly. Additionally, many schools and educational programs teach typing to students at a young age, recognizing the importance of the skill in the modern world. 

Sometimes during the learning of typing it might seem that you have reached a plato.

How to overcome a plato in mastering typing? 

If you feel like you have hit a plateau in your typing progress, there are several things you can do to overcome it and continue improving:

  1. Practice regularly: The more you practice typing, the better you will become. Make sure you are practicing regularly and dedicating time to typing each day.

  2. Focus on accuracy: While speed is important, accuracy is key to improving your typing skills. Focus on accuracy by using typing programs that highlight mistakes and allow you to correct them.

  3. Set goals: Set specific goals for your typing speed and accuracy and work towards them. This will help you stay motivated and focused on improving.

  4. Try different typing exercises: Mix up your typing exercises to keep things interesting and challenge yourself in new ways. There are many typing programs and websites that offer different exercises and games to help you improve.

  5. Take breaks: Taking regular breaks can help you stay fresh and avoid fatigue. Make sure to take breaks every 20-30 minutes to stretch your hands and rest your eyes.

  6. Seek feedback: Ask a friend or teacher to observe you while you type and provide feedback on areas where you can improve.

Remember, learning to type is a skill that takes time and practice to master. Don’t get discouraged if progress feels slow at times. Stay committed, focus on your goals, and continue to practice regularly, and you will see improvement over time.


What is typing really about? 


Automaticity is definitely an important aspect of mastering typing. Automaticity refers to the ability to perform a task without conscious effort or thought. In the context of typing, automaticity means being able to type without having to think about the placement of your fingers or the keys you need to press.

When you reach a state of automaticity in typing, you can type faster and more accurately because your brain is able to focus on composing the text rather than on the mechanics of typing. This is why touch typing, which emphasizes automaticity, is often considered the most efficient and effective way to type.

However, automaticity is not the only important factor in mastering typing. Accuracy is also crucial, as making mistakes can slow you down and reduce the quality of your work. Additionally, developing good posture and ergonomics when typing can help prevent discomfort and injury.

Overall, automaticity is an important aspect of mastering typing, but it should be considered alongside other factors that contribute to efficient and effective typing.


Who is the fastest typist? 

The fastest typists in the world are professional typists who have trained extensively and have exceptional typing skills. The current world record for the fastest typing speed was set by Barbara Blackburn in 2005, who was able to type 212 words per minute (wpm) using a standard QWERTY keyboard layout. However, it’s worth noting that Blackburn’s record has not been officially recognized by Guinness World Records, as her typing speed was not recorded under controlled conditions.

Other notable fast typists include Stella Pajunas, who was able to type 216 wpm using the Dvorak Simplified Keyboard layout, and Nathan Behrin, who was able to type 163 wpm using the Colemak keyboard layout. These records were set under controlled conditions and have been recognized by Guinness World Records.

It’s important to note that while these individuals are some of the fastest typists in the world, their speeds are not representative of average typing speeds. The average typing speed for a professional typist is around 75 to 80 wpm, while the average typing speed for a non-professional typist is around 40 wpm.


How to improve typing speed and accuracy?

Here are some tips to improve your typing speed and accuracy :

  1. Practice regularly: Consistent practice is key to improving your typing skills. Try to practice typing for at least 30 minutes every day.

  2. Focus on accuracy first: Speed will come naturally with practice, but it’s important to focus on accuracy first. Make sure you are typing each word correctly before trying to type faster.

  3. Use proper hand and finger placement: Position your hands on the keyboard using the correct finger placement. Use your left hand for the keys on the left side of the keyboard and your right hand for the keys on the right side.

  4. Use online typing programs: There are many free online typing programs that can help you improve your skills. Some examples include Typing.com, Keybr.com, and 10FastFingers.com.

  5. Take breaks and stretch: Take breaks regularly to avoid fatigue and strain on your hands and fingers. Also, make sure to stretch your hands and fingers to reduce tension and improve flexibility.

  6. Practice typing different types of content: Try to practice typing different types of content, such as articles, essays, or even transcribing audio. This will help you become comfortable typing a variety of content and improve your overall typing speed and accuracy.

Remember, improving your typing speed and accuracy takes time and practice, so be patient and keep at it.

How to type faster and with fewer errors?


  1. Use proper hand and finger placement: Position your hands on the keyboard using the correct finger placement. Use your left hand for the keys on the left side of the keyboard and your right hand for the keys on the right side.

  2. Type without looking at the keyboard: Try to type without looking at the keyboard. This is called touch-typing and can significantly improve your speed and accuracy.

  3. Use online typing programs: There are many free online typing programs that can help you improve your skills. Some examples include Typing.com, Keybr.com, and 10FastFingers.com. Alternatively you may use the ViaTyping ergonomic keyboard, with which you will help you mastering touch typing and will guide your fingers, and will help developing the muscle memory for typing. It improve your typing during regular typing activities on the keyboard.

  4. Practice regularly: Consistent practice is key to improving your typing skills. Try to practice typing for at least 30 minutes every day.

  5. Slow down to speed up: It may seem counterintuitive, but slowing down your typing speed can actually help you type faster in the long run. By focusing on accuracy first, you’ll be able to type faster and more confidently over time.

  6. Take breaks and stretch: Take breaks regularly to avoid fatigue and strain on your hands and fingers. Also, make sure to stretch your hands and fingers to reduce tension and improve flexibility.

  7. Use keyboard shortcuts: Learn and use keyboard shortcuts whenever possible. This can help you save time and reduce the amount of typing you need to do.

Remember, improving your typing speed and accuracy takes time and practice, so be patient and keep at it.

How to position your fingers on the keyboard, and how to reduce wrist and finger strain while typing?

  1. Place your left hand on the left side of the keyboard and your right hand on the right side of the keyboard.
  2. Rest your fingers on the home row keys, which are the middle row of keys that include the letters A, S, D, F, J, K, L, and ; (semicolon).
  3. Keep your fingers curved and your wrists straight.
  4. Use your thumbs only for the space bar.

To reduce wrist and finger strain while typing, try these tips:

  1. Use an ergonomic keyboard: An ergonomic keyboard can help reduce strain on your wrists and fingers by keeping them in a more natural position.

  2. Take breaks regularly: Take breaks every 20-30 minutes to stretch your fingers and wrists, and to rest your eyes.

  3. Use proper posture: Sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor and your shoulders relaxed. This will help reduce strain on your back and neck.

  4. Use a wrist rest: A wrist rest can help keep your wrists in a neutral position and reduce strain.

  5. Adjust your keyboard and chair height: Make sure your keyboard and chair are adjusted to the right height for your body. Your forearms should be parallel to the floor and your wrists should be in a neutral position.

  6. Don’t use too much force: Avoid pounding the keys too hard or gripping the mouse too tightly. This can cause unnecessary strain on your fingers and wrists.

Remember, it’s important to take care of your hands and wrists while typing to avoid injury and discomfort.

Alternatively, if you will use the ViaTyping ergonomic keyboard – you will master painless typing intuitively, as the shape of the ViaTyping keyboard was designed to suggest you the best finger placement, to minimize wrist actuations and to correct your posture.

What are the benefits of learning to type well, in terms of productivity and efficiency?


Learning to type well can have several benefits, including:

  1. Increased productivity: By typing quickly and accurately, you can get more work done in less time, which can increase your overall productivity.

  2. Improved efficiency: Typing well can help you complete tasks more efficiently, whether you’re typing an email, filling out a spreadsheet, or writing a report.

  3. Enhanced communication: When you can type quickly and accurately, you can communicate more effectively with others, whether it’s in a work setting or in your personal life.

  4. Reduced physical strain: Typing well can help reduce physical strain on your hands, wrists, and fingers, which can help prevent injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome.

  5. Increased confidence: As you improve your typing skills, you’ll feel more confident and in control while using a computer or mobile device.

  6. Greater job opportunities: Many jobs require strong typing skills, so learning to type well can open up more job opportunities and make you more competitive in the job market.

Overall, learning to type well can have a positive impact on your productivity, efficiency, and overall well-being.

What are the keys to success in mastering typing? (* Bonus question)

There are three main components to successful mastering of touch typing:

1 – Finger agility

2 – Learn typing earlier

3 – Master the typing flow.


  1. Finger Agility: Developing finger agility is crucial for touch typing. Finger agility refers to the ability to move your fingers quickly and accurately over the keyboard without looking at it. To improve finger agility, you can practice typing exercises that focus on specific finger movements and use touch typing software that provides feedback on your accuracy and speed.

  2. Start Typing Early: Learning touch typing early can help you develop good habits and avoid bad ones. It’s easier to learn touch typing when you’re young and haven’t developed bad habits, but it’s never too late to start. The earlier you start, the better your chances of mastering touch typing. The later a person starts – the lower is the ceiling of a maximum typing rate that a person would be able to achieve in life. Below is a model for the typing learning curve regressions, starting at different ages of mastering the basic touch typing skills. 

    Remember at what age you start – this the plot above figure out the maximum typing rate.

        3.   Master the Typing Flow: The typing flow refers to the rhythm and pace of your typing. It’s important to type at a steady pace and avoid rushing or slowing down to correct mistakes. Typing with greater accuracy at a constant rate is more efficient than speeding up and slowing down to correct mistakes. This helps you enter the flow mode, which is known to be 5-7 times more efficient in accomplishing many tasks.


In summary, to master touch typing, you need to develop finger agility, including the pinkies, master touch typing rather sooner than later, and master the typing flow. With dedication and practice, anyone can become an efficient and accurate touch typist.

Consistent and dedicated practice is yet another  important aspect for mastering touch typing. You may set aside a regular time each day to practice, and focus on gradually increasing your speed and accuracy.

And now, the main one, which we addressed to ChatGPT,

and which none of us at the ViaTyping had a courage to answer, but AI could:

-What is the reason for typing being so unpopular?

 I’m sorry, but typing is actually a widely used and popular skill in modern life, particularly in the context of digital technology and communication. It is a fundamental skill that is taught in schools and is required for many jobs in various fields. However, if you are asking why typing is sometimes perceived as a less popular or exciting skill compared to other activities, it could be because it is often viewed as a mundane or routine task. Nonetheless, it remains a crucial skill for productivity and efficiency in many aspects of our lives.

The best way we could describe the problem was this: 

…neither Touch Typing nor Blind Typing carry any inspiration in the terms themselves. There should be a better term, f.e. The Clear Typing or The Lucid Typing, or the ViaTyping at the end. 

Changing this situation is not going to be easy, just because so many efforts were put already in the automobile industry – reaching similar results would require allot of investment and creativity. But we can do it!”

I could not stop asking  ChatGPT questions about typing and wanted to know how much money typing will earn for me, so I asked the following question: 

Me: How much much money touch typing may save to a person vs hunt and pecking

and this is what I’ve got in response:

AI:  Touch typing can save a significant amount of time for a person compared to hunt and peck typing, which in turn can translate into cost savings.

According to some estimates, touch typing can improve typing speed by up to four times compared to hunt and peck typing. This means that someone who types 40 words per minute using hunt and peck typing could potentially type up to 160 words per minute with touch typing.

If we assume that a person spends an average of one hour typing per day, and they can increase their typing speed from 40 to 160 words per minute through touch typing, they could potentially save three hours of typing time per day.

If we assume that this person is a professional who earns an hourly rate of $20, those three hours of saved time per day would translate into a savings of $60 per day. Over the course of a year, this would amount to a savings of over $21,000.

Of course, these are just rough estimates, and the actual amount of money that touch typing can save will depend on a variety of factors, including the individual’s typing speed and the nature of their work. However, it’s clear that touch typing can provide significant cost savings over hunt and peck typing, both in terms of time and money.


What are you thoughts about  this Q&A session with AI? Leave your comment below. 

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